Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Santa Fe Chicken

Last night I made Santa Fe Chicken (pg. 130). Loved it!!! It's a great alternative to a Mexican casserole. The thing I liked was that it didn't use a cream of anything soup. I already have several recipes that use those, so it was nice to find something yummy without it! The ingredients were all simple. My only complaint was that it called for chicken broth, but you don't cook the chicken before you make the dish, so I had to use canned broth. I'm trying to be a real penny pincher these days and was upset that I had to buy that!

Here are all the ingredients (my changes: I always use brown rice instead of white, and I did not use any cilantro - I'm sure the cilantro would have been good though! Also, I added a little more cheese than it called for.)

Very simple, one dish recipe. Just had to flip the chicken about half way through.

Finished recipe
It would have been a one dish dinner, but I was trying to get it made, then had to go pick up my son from school and go to a play date, so I had to put it in another dish to refrigerate. That's why it looks a little messy.

Yum yum! I'll definitely make this again!

Simplicity: 5
Taste: 5
Nutrition: 4

Next up? Something without chicken! I think maybe a pasta dish.

Friday, September 3, 2010

Barbequed Onion Meat Loaves

Okay, I know that doesn't look too appealing, but these were actually really good. I thought I had barbeque sauce, but we only had marinade, so I skipped that part. They look a little dry, but I promise they were not.
The other thing that I changed was that the recipe said to cook them in the microwave and that just sounded really gross to me, so I opted to stick them in the oven instead. It took a little longer for them to cook, however the prep work was really fast and easy, so it was a winner in my book. They can sit in the oven by themselves and cook away just as long as it leaves me with time to actually do other stuff. I hate it when recipes take forever to put together.
So, we will definately be having these again: Click here for the recipe
Simplicity: 4
Taste: 5
Nutrition: 3